What is proactive promotion?
Many of the candidates who approach us work with our consultants in a proactive way with their job hunt.
Sometimes your dream job might not be advertised on the market, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
Although not all employers will be actively looking or advertising for people in a specific role, we do know many key decision makers who are interested in seeing experienced games professionals on a speculative basis…that’s where our contacts and existing relationships come in.
We’re happy to approach studios on your behalf and open these opportunities up for you. We have longstanding relationships with many studios, both in the UK and around the world, so we know just who to talk to and where your skills will fit; even if that role isn’t public knowledge yet.
The job market is much bigger than it seems, and we can get you in front of the right people.
How does it work?

We’ll kick things off with a consultation session with one of our expert recruiters to learn what your skills and career goals are.
Once we understand what you're looking for and, what you're not looking for, we build out a plan of action.

Together, we’ll build up a list of companies that you want us to approach, including your employment preferences. We’ll have our own suggestions too, based around what we know of the market at that time.

We’ll use our connections to get your CV and portfolio in front of the decision makers at the target studios.
We’ll make the initial introduction for you, set up interviews with the hiring managers and internal recruiters we would like to meet you. And also be there to guide you through the recruitment process and negotiate between you and the studio.
Get in touch to speak to a member of our team about how we can help you find your next role.