Originally formed in 2002 by a group of video game enthusiasts, ASOBO Studio have created successful games adapted from famous brands. They excel at coding on several platforms, have an emphasis on teamwork, and have excellent internal communication to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal. Featuring their proprietary technology, powerful game engine, and outstanding graphic capabilities and iterative process that’s based on quality and innovation, ASOBO make true moments of thrill and challenge.
They have created a superior development crew, gaining the trust of the most renowned companies in the worldwide entertainment industry. Additionally, following the success of their well-known titles: Microsoft Flight Simulator, A Plague Tale: Innocence, and A Plague Tale: Requiem, they continue to develop with a passion when working on their exciting new projects.
Offering a collaborative and inclusive working environment that empowers their team to strive for greatness in their work, this can be the opportunity to steer your career development in a nurturing studio. Being situated in Bordeaux, France, the studio is only an hour away from most European capitals such as Paris, London, Brussels, Madrid, and Amsterdam, the studio is neighboured by culture-rich restaurants, welcoming bar terraces, concert halls, gigantic Football and Rugby stadiums, shopping streets, the Contemporary Art Museum, and the Opera.